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Goal Getter – Self-Care

Last week, I wanted to focus on getting us back in the habit of cooking and eating at home. This was no easy task with how jam-packed my week was last week. Between doctor visits, the new fridge getting delivered, breastfeeding class, bookclub, and co-workers being off (so I had to fill in for them) it was just a lot to handle in a limited amount of time.

This week, my schedule isn't as hectic, but work will still be a beast. So I want to focus on listening to my body and not pushing myself. I'm in full on nesting mode these days, as in I can't sit still because I could be cleaning or cooking or getting ready for baby, and sometimes I need to stop and rest before I've pushed too hard and can't walk because I'm so sore and swollen. This week, it is all about self-care and trying to relax. 

My daily tasks are:

  • Make the bed EVERY DAY. 
  • Put away the clean dishes in the morning.
  • Spend 10 minutes a day on dishes.
  • Do something laundry related every day.
  • 10 minute pick up before bed.
  • Journal
  • Meditate

For my weekly task:

  • Clean the bathroom (which consists of: putting away products, wiping down surfaces, checking shower for empty bottles–Mr. LL is notorious for doing leaving empty bottles in the shower)