Goal Getter /// March 2016
FAMILY (33%)
- Get Bigby a new harness (0%)
- Get Flea meds for all the pets (well, not the turtle) (0%)
- Deliver Mom's wedding photos to her (100%)
NOTES: My mom and her wife Karen love their photos! :D
- Book club (0%)
- D&D with friends (100%)
NOTES: We've had a bit of a hiccup with the book club and scheduling, but hopefully we will be getting together soon.
HEALTH (17%)
- Meal plan every week (25%)
- Stick to said meal plan every week (25%)
- Try to work out at least once this month (0%)
- Set financial goals (0%)
- Track progress towards goals (0%)
- Do taxes (0%)
NOTES: Ok, so I changed the goals in this category between today and last week's post. I got to thinking about it, I want to try out this strategy to see if it works better for Mr. LL and myself.
- Set up "chores" (0%)
- Make a trip to GoodWill (0%)
- Clean out make-up/skin care products (0%)
- Get posts ready for the month (75%)
- Write at least one post for LV Book Design (100%)
- Work on more planner printables (0%)